“The wound is the place where the light entered you.”

— Rumi

My Reason Why..

Kaia Flow was born out of a passion to connect with people on a holistic level by creating a safe and fun environment for movement, energy work and health.

My passion came out of a challenging time in my life when I became a war widow at the age of 31 caring for my 6 month old son. Mental health and finding safe and creative ways to connect with my clients is a passion of mine.

With the changing landscape of therapies available I understand that we are all unique and we need a combination of Western & Eastern therapies to help us on our wellness and healing journey. We are all individual and require an individual approach which is why all of my sessions are intuitively taught.

I thank my late husband Private Kye Ristovski for providing me with the light in a very dark time and revealed my purpose on this earth is to connect compassionately with as many people in this world through health and wellness. I am forever in gratitude for the lessons I have learnt during and post your service.

Lest we forget & Namaste x

In Legacy of Private Kye Ristovski

14/08/1989 - 14/10/2019


At the going down of the sun

And in the morning

We will remember them

Lest We Forget

What People Are Saying


Kaia Flow puts so much thought and comfort into my experience, I always feel safe to enjoy every element on offer and relax, the healing that happens through the sound immersion is second to none

— Rhiannon M.

I 100% recommend Sharn to anyone. I’ve been going to her for about a year now and I love the sessions she plans each week. She is an amazing instructor.

— Kirstie T.


Thank you so much for your yoga nidra last night. I feel like after a very stressful week my head is clear and I am back in alignment with myself. I’ll have to come to all of your nidra workshops in future.

— Shari

If I can make a small difference in another’s healing journey then I have fulfilled my purpose in this life.